Provider of reliable EUV light sources.


Plasma chamberLPS offers brightness up to 200 W/mm2-Sr for low power applications. The system is very compact and provides the lowest cost of ownership.

HPS offers brightness up to 1000 W/mm2-Sr at intermediate focus. The high brightness capability of this source provides extendibility for a range of applications.

Our products provide

• Performance

• High Brightness-Brightness of up to 1000 W/mm2-Sr enables high throughput.

• High conversion efficiency using high frequency tin droplets. The droplets are steered and tracked to ensure optimum interaction with the laser beam. Dose control can be managed from our controller specifying the number of shots required for a particular application.

• Stability- Advanced thermal management ensures long-term stability of tin target droplets and collector optics.

• Low cost of ownership

• A novel debris barrier combines an electromagnetic field with an integrated gas curtain. This attenuates debris deposition and enhances collector-optics lifetime. The housing, cooling and debris mitigation are permanently used in the source and there is no need to replace them during the collector lifetime. The multi layer (MLM) mirror is bound mechanically to the housing to reduce the cost of ownership and most importantly keep the down time of the machine to a minimum. The MLM mirror is the only consumable in the collector module. Our design of the collector combined with software control makes mirror replacement a fairly easy procedure.

• Clean photons: the system design and implementation prevents particles and molecular contamination at the intermediate focus (IF).

• In line monitoring- An array of sensors monitors the operation of the source collector module, minimizing unscheduled downtime.

• Small footprint and easy to integrate with process tools.


For further information regarding the products please contact adlyte